
20 May 2024

Why culture is important and tips on creating Company Culture

Whether you intended it or not company culture has a profound impact on your business, Here is how you can influence it for the better
24 May 2024

How will new laws concerning the right to work from home effect your business

Recent changes to employment law give workers the right to request remote or hybrid working, what does this mean for companies?
27 May 2024

Navigating Remote Work: Strategies for Companies

Remote and hybrid working has become an important part of today's business landscape and present both opportunities and challenges for companies, advise on how to make the best of remote working
28 May 2024

What is and how to overcoming the Zoom Ceiling

Remote and hybrid working can harm employee careers, so managers need to take steps to improve the situation for working who work remotely
06 Jun 2024

Understanding the Bradford Factor: Benefits for Employee Management and Company Productivity

The Bradford Factor is an important metric to understand sick leave patterns, and can help reduce staff sick leave, read our guide to the the Bradford Factor
15 Jun 2024

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Having Plants in the Workplace

Plants enhance the work environment, reduce stress and improve productivity, here's our guide to what plants to pick for your workplace
23 Jun 2024

The Pros and Cons of Hybrid Working for SMEs

Explore the benefits and challenges of hybrid working for small UK businesses. Learn how to implement effective policies that boost employee satisfaction and business agility.
24 Jun 2024

Workplace menopause support, advise for managers

Discover effective strategies for supporting staff through menopause. Essential reading for HR managers and company leaders to foster a supportive work environment.
16 Jul 2024

Annual Paid Holiday Leave Around the World

Explore the global landscape of annual holiday leave, from the UK's 28-30 days to the US's lack of federal mandates, and learn how Workforce Wisdom's holiday tracking solution can streamline HR management across borders.
20 Jul 2024

The Impact of the Flexible Working Regulations 2023

Discover the impact of the UK's Flexible Working (Amendment) Regulations 2023. the key changes, including increased application frequency, simplified processes, and mandatory employer consultations, and explores how these reforms are transforming the workplace for better work-life balance and inclusivity.
20 Jul 2024

Tracking Employee Time Off: Essential Features for Your Absence Tracking Software

What to look for in an app that tracks employee time off. Discover essential features that your business needs to make booking holiday as relaxing as being on holiday.
21 Jul 2024

5 Deadly Killers of Workplace Morale

Discover the five deadly killers of workplace morale and learn how to combat them. From micromanagement to lack of recognition, our detailed guide offers insights and solutions to foster a positive and productive work environment. Enhance your company's culture and employee satisfaction with our expert advice.
21 Jul 2024

10 tips to reduce sick leave

Discover effective strategies to reduce sick leave in your organisation. From conducting return-to-work interviews to promoting a healthy workplace, our comprehensive guide offers in-depth tips to enhance employee well-being and productivity.
21 Jul 2024

Understanding Flexitime: Definition, Benefits, Types, and Pitfalls

Explore the benefits and types of flexitime, a flexible working arrangement that boosts productivity, morale, and work-life balance. Learn how to implement flexitime effectively while addressing potential challenges.
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